Monday, July 30, 2007

I Wanna Be a "Blog of Note"

Whoa holiday! I'm back at the blog. Now that I'm here, though, I can't think of anything to say. Or rather, I can't narrow anything down to something say-able. Not posting for a couple months at a time creates this problem.
I'll start with this: I'm not sure why, but I've been feeling better about the second half of the season. I don't know if it's the new management or just the new half or what, but I feel better about it. I don't know that the Reds are doing any better, as we're still near the bottom of the division (though at least now the Pirates are under us where they rightfully belong). I think part of it is that I've been able to learn a bit more about the games on a more regular basis now that the newspaper hasn't been disappearing every day. Just knowing what's going on helps.
I think it must just be knowing that we're not in last place anymore. Not in last place and sweeping the Braves. Even losing to the Cubs by embarassingly large margins hasn't been able to break through the tiniest little glimmer of optimism I've let come back. You know, I'd love to think the Reds could still pull something amazing out of their asses. They've still got about a million games left against the Brewers. I suppose something could happen. It'd be nice if the rest of the division would keep sucking, too.
So there's what you get when I let my mind wander off and write whatever it thinks it wants to talk about. At least I stayed with baseball.
It doesn't appear likely that the mystery of the ballpark trashcans is going to be solved this season. Prospects for attending any games this season look dim. Tiny Casey and Tinier Dunn are getting bored of looking at the same trash cans over and over, but there's no more investigating to be done around here. All the research is complete.
I wonder how one becomes a Blog of Note.