Monday, May 15, 2006


It is a sad, dark day here at We Heart the Reds. I returned home from my parents' house yesterday to discover that Tiny Casey was missing. In his place I found this letter:

We HeaRt the Reds types,

I have kidnapped Tiny Casey. To pRove you aRe woRthy of him, look foR the clues in this and lateR letteRs. They will diRect you to the secRet site wheRe I have concealed youR fRiend. If you fail to discoveR this location, ceRtain peRil awaits the miniatuRe man.


Casey's KidnappeR

And this photo:

I know the kidnapper has to be either Red Hot Mama, Shawn, Blade, Scott or JD. They've all been very jealous of my relationship with Tiny Casey. I never thought it would come to this, though. There's a reward for the first person to find Tiny Casey and correctly identify his kidnapper.

Please help me find him. I cannot imagine life without my tiny pal. Tinier Dunn is hanging around to keep me company and take care of Rex, but it's just not the same.

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